In Naomi Klein’s latest book, Doppelganger, she shares what historian Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor said about this moment: “Movements change the people who participate in them.” When we organize towards a goal together we discover our shared interests and a new sense of our power. It’s about what we can make together. Our movement is on the rise, and progressive leaders are asking the Grassroots to make them do the right thing. As we change and grow stronger, individually and collectively, let’s build power that can demand a radical transformation. CAMPAIGNSElectrify Eugene Building more gas stations when we need to drastically lower carbon pollution makes no sense! (Plus: there is already one within 5 minutes of every Eugenian.) SPEAK OUT TO EUGENE CITY COUNCIL TODAY: Monday, Nov. 13th - Community members will be testifying in support of a moratorium on new gas stations in Eugene during public comment at 7:30 pm. Sign up to speak in person or online here. For talking points, read Beyond Toxics' informative blog. Come in person to 101 W 10th Avenue, Suite 114 in the LCC Downtown Building. The Sustainability Commission will present its work plan at 5:30 pm (virtual only). Watch the work session online here. ACTION: Sign on to Beyond Toxics Community letter to the Eugene City Council to ban new gas stations in Eugene. Thank you! Forest Defense The climate movement is throwing down to protect our climate-saving forests. We’re working hard with our forest conservation allies to learn the ropes. The national organization, Environment America, spotlights climate groups who are doing this intersectional work, and 350 Eugene’s president, Patty Hine, is featured on a recent field-checking excursion in the Elliott State Forest in their latest blog here. Divest Oregon The Divest Oregon team was out in force at the October 25th Oregon Investment Council (OIC) meeting along with powerful testimony by American Federation of Teachers Oregon President Jacob and 350 Eugene President Patty Hine! Topics that were presented:
Resilience Staying balanced while working for climate-sanity isn’t easy. But it is doable if you connect with allies in your community. Dr. Jenny Gordon, PhD, Jungian Analyst, and longtime 350 Eugene supporter, offers opportunities in connection with our Resilience work group. If you didn’t get a chance to attend the inspiring Celebration of Life on Earth As We Knew It event on Friday, Nov. 2nd, you can watch the video here. Bottomline: we need each other. Don’t you love the semi-regular “It Must Be the Climate” column in the Eugene Weekly? Thank the “Creatives Team” at 350 Eugene who’ve been researching informational pieces to help educate the public on the City of Eugene’s electrification work, the problems with EWEB’s Integrated Resource Plan, Factory Farms, hardening our communities against climate-driven fires & healthy forests, the health hazards of burning fossil gas in homes and more! You can find an archive of our articles on the Fossil Free Eugene website here. SAVE THE DATEJoin the creators of the new documentary Covenant of the Salmon People on Tuesday, November 16th from 6-8pm at the University of Oregon in Straub Hall room 145 for a free showing with light refreshments and Q&A with the director. RSVP here. Join Electrify Now as they dive into the serious problems of gas leaks. They’ll start by exploring gas leaks at a high level and what they mean for safety and climate change and how we can quantify the extent of this leakage. They’ll then zero in on one community, Richmond, Virginia, that is looking to understand just how bad the gas leak situation is in their city, and how they can hold their local utility accountable for fixing it. They’ll finally explore the financials of gas infrastructure where companies are building new gas lines to prop up old, aging infrastructure in an unsustainable system where bills are coming due. Join them November 16th at noon PDT. RSVP here. Tues. Nov. 21, 2023, at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Eugene at 1685W. 13th at 6:00 pm. A Jan Haaken Production - As political pressure mounts in the US to meet net zero carbon goals, the nuclear power industry makes its case for a nuclear “renaissance.” This documentary by NECESSITY Director Jan Haaken follows activists as they expose the true costs of the new small nuclear reactor designs. Our cosmos has no edges. It is vast and we are insignificant in comparison. Sometimes we get discouraged. But we have a part to play at this moment, in this place.
You are deciding right now where to put your resources, giving to causes that can make the biggest difference in the short time we have. Whatever you do, demand no less than transformative change: the phase out of fossil fuels, massive public and private investments in clean renewable energy in all sectors, and regulate and hold polluters and their financiers accountable for their misdeeds. “Whatever you do may seem insignificant to you, but it is most important that you do it." - Mahatma Gandhi. Let’s come together to do what needs to be done. Let’s be fierce.
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